The Claiming By Cooper

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 42 (Jaxon)

The week with Nolan has been as grueling as the week with Ezekiel, but in different ways. I know I’m strong, I know I worked muscles last week that I don’t normally use. This week, it was like I was using even more muscles that I’ve never used. I have no idea how many muscles are in the human body, but I feel like each week, I’m finding more and more of them.

Eve and I have barely had a moment alone together except at night when we fall into bed exhausted. As excited as I am to have a day off, the thought of having to sleep without her by my side, even for a week, is already filling me with dread.

It’s the morning before I head over to Alpha Luke’s pack. I walk into the dining room and see Jordan sitting with Nolan at breakfast. I walk over, sitting down with them.

Title of the document

“Nolan, thank you for quite a workout this week,” I tell him before ordering some food.

“You did very well, Alpha, as I expected you would. Your flexibility improved tremendously as did the reach of your kicks and punches.” “Where are you headed next?” I ask him.

“Alpha Antonio’s pack, but after speaking with your sister, I will be coming back in about a month. And in a week, I’ll be in Alpha Luke’s pack. I was just talking to Jordan about coming to train with me that week,” he says, looking at Jordan.

“Aren’t you going to Alpha Luke’s pack this week to train, Jordan?” I ask her.

“No, I have too much to do to get ready for my Alpha ceremony, so I asked Alpha Luke if it would be okay if I joined them the following week when Nolan is there,” she says.

“We could continue to work on your flexibility and strength if you join us,” Nolan says to me.

“We’ll see how it goes this week,” I say, watching as Eve walks in the dining hall with Magdalena. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Her eyes lock with mine and smiles spread across both our faces. I just left her thirty minutes ago, and I already can’t wait to be close to her again.

I turn back to Nolan. “I’ll talk to Eve. I know we’re invited to her grandmother’s pack for training and of course, Jordan has an open invitation for us to train here.”

“Well, then, I hope to see you soon, Alpha Jaxon.”

I stand, ready to go sit with Eve. “Thanks again, Nolan. Jordan, I’d like to speak with you before I leave.”

“You know where to find me,” she says.

I want to speak with her about her Alpha ceremony, but I also want to ask about Jace. The tension between the two of them has been palpable the last couple of days and it’s obvious that my sister and Nolan got close this week.

“What time do you want to head over to the pack today, Jaxon?” Eve asks me as I come to sit beside her.

“Have you heard if my sisters are coming? I just found out that Jordan can’t make it because of her Alpha ceremony.”

At that moment, my sisters come down the stairs with what looks like enough luggage to go away for a month.

“I guess that’s a yes,” Eve says.

“Do they not realize that they won’t be doing anything but working out?” I ask, frowning at my sisters.

“Maybe they’re hoping to meet their mates, like you have,” Magdalena says.

“They already have,” Eve and I say together. I smile at her, before turning back.

“Teagan I can understand, she’ll want to make sure that she’s ready for anything since she’ll be around Alejandro. But Rowen?” I turn, looking at Eve.

“Are any other packs invited to your training this week?”

“Not that I know of,” she says as we turn back to our food.

Eve decides to go back with her family, giving me time to meet with Jordan before I leave. Teagan and Rowen leave together riding with Alejandro.

When they are gone, I head to Jordan’s office. I knock on her door, waiting for her to look up.

“Hey Jax, come in.”

“How are you?” I ask her. “I can’t believe you’re still standing after three sessions a day for a week. Kudos to you, sis.”

“Thanks, I feel stronger and faster after this week.”

She comes around her desk to sit with me. “When are you leaving?”

“Soon. I want to get there in plenty of time for Eve to show me around her pack lands and to get settled in. One day should seem like enough time, but it really isn’t when you have to travel and get settled.”

“Not to mention, you’re still recovering from a week of intense training.”

“Exactly,” I say. “So, what do you need from me for your Alpha ceremony?”

“Nothing. Mom is taking care of most of it and Dad is handling the rest. Just get yourself and our sisters back here. I know it means you’ll miss a day of training, but I really want you here.” “Jordan, I wouldn’t miss it. Neither would Teagan or Rowan and I know Eve said she’s coming too.”

She gives me a sad smile. “I’m really glad you found her. You both seem happy and hopefully Alpha Luke will get on board with that quickly.”

I reach out and take her hand. “What’s going on, Jordie?” I ask her, using my childhood name for her.

I watch as tears well in her eyes. She fights them, but in the end, one slips from each eye.

“Jordan….is this about Jace?” I ask gently.

Her head whips up to look at me. “You know?”

“I figured it out at the race.”

She wipes her eyes and I grab a tissue, handing it to her. “He said he broke it off with Taylor, but she’s still calling me, trying to get me to convince him to go train with their pack. He finally told me that he knows we’re mates. After all this time, why now, Jaxon? Is it because someone is finally showing an interest in me that I’m also interested in?”

“I don’t know, Jordan. He made it sound like he thought he wasn’t good enough for you.”

Another couple of tears drip from her eyes before she uses the tissue to blow her nose. I grab another one, handing it to her.

“I’m so angry Jaxon. All this time, he’s known. He’s known and he never said anything. I thought maybe I felt it because I’m an Alpha. But that wasn’t it at all. He knew, and he dated Taylor anyway.”

She looks up at me. “Why didn’t he just reject me?”

“I don’t know, Jordan. You know that Jace is complicated. I’m not defending him,” I say hurriedly as I see her give me a look like she can’t believe that I said that. “I’m just saying, we know that he struggled in his early years with his father dying in battle and him watching his mother die in front of him. That has to leave a mark on your heart and your soul, Jordan. What did he say he wants?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t give him a chance to talk.”

“Maybe you should. At least, give him a chance to explain why he never told you that he knew you were mates and why he never rejected you.” She wipes her eyes again.

“Do you want me to punch him for you?” I ask her. That makes her laugh.

“No need. Nolan taught me how to throw a deadly punch this week.”

“Speaking of Nolan, tell me what’s going on there.”

“I like him, Jax. I mean, I really like him. He’s kind, he’s interested in me, in my thoughts and dreams. He’s not really interested in leading a pack, he loves what he does and he’s good at it, so I know he’s not after me for my title.”

She looks at me, huffing. “I don’t know what to do.”

I move to sit beside her on the couch. “You, my dear sister, have always figured it out. You are the smartest person I know and since we share genetics, that’s saying something.”

She laughs again and I pull her into a hug. “You’ll figure it out, Jordan. I know you will and if you need anything at all from me, whether it’s a shoulder to cry on or a crushing blow to someone’s face, all you have to do is let me know.”

“Thanks, Jax.”

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